Saturday, October 11, 2008

My day? Ask me later.

Today has been, well, long. I think it started last night. I let her sleep a little too late, just because I was enjoying havaing a quiet evening with my husband (that never happens anymore), and so I had a little trouble getting her to sleep. We went to bed at midnight (with some diffculty as I said) and she woke up at 3:45, 5,6, and 7:30 AM. The day started off with 2 sleepy girls. Marin usually takes a nice long nap in the morning, around 3 hours, so I can get stuff done. Not today. She ate and fell asleep on me, but only for 20 minutes, right arond the time I needed to get ready and dressed. She cried the whole time I got ready and I fed her, and she stayed awake. I put her in her bouncy chair and bounced her and she slept for 15 minutes, so we tried the swing with no luck. I fed her again and ate something myself while she bounced (awake). Then she just couldn't be consoled. Just an irritated, bored cry. I put her in the jeep carrier, and we went for a walk. It was beautiful outside by the way, in the upper 60's and windy, so Marin needed to snuggle into me to keep her little face warm. We walked around our little housing complex 4 times, about a mile or so total, and she slept, until I put my key in the lock to get into the house. Awake ALL day long. I'm tired.

So, we are keeping her awake now, soon to get into the shower. Tomorrow I'm going out to look for a cheap halloween costume for Marin. I want her to be a little pea! A sweet pea of course!

Ok, baby is crying and SUPER ready for bed. Here are some pics from this morning, isn't she getting SOOOO big?! I can't believe how fast she is growing up!

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