Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Like Sunday Afternoons!

The last few days Marin and I have just been "chillin'", so we've had a good time. Friday she helped me make banana bread. That was the third loaf! I had SOOO many frozen bananas in the freezer, and each loaf called for 3, so that's 9, and I think I have one more in there now if you can believe it. Who knew I had such a passion for collecting those little brown frozen things? Anyway, the first two loaves I had made for the sisters I visit teach (which made Kris very sad by the way), so I made one Friday just for us:) I had made some cinnamon rolls for my doctor as I mentioned in a previous post, and poor Kris was beside himself thinking I was going to give the doctor the whole delicious pan of them! I could see the sweet relief on his face when I only packed up 5 on a plate to take. I love my husband, he makes me laugh:)

Saturday was nice. I didn't have anything to do, and after such a busy week, it was nice to just stay at home with my little one. We did get up a little early, but we took a nice nap together and just hung out all day. In the evening, I made some dinner, Kris invited our friends from Mesquite (an hour north) who were subsequently in town, over for dinner and to Jazz on the Lake. I made a whole chicken and to flavor it, I made a seasoned butter with salt, pepper, garlic, lemon rind, rosemary and thyme and stuffed it under the skin so it would soak in as it baked. It was DELICIOUS! I also made some red potatoes, cut them into chunks and put them in a heavy pot over low heat, with 6 tablespoons of butter and salt and pepper until they were tender. Then put some cut up freash parsley and green onion in there. Again, SOOO yummy. And then just some steadmed broccoli. Then we headed to jazz on the lake, the band was ok, it was more like elevator music than real jazz, so we didn't stay too long.

After we got home it was shower and snacktime for baby, then into bed. She slept so well, from midnight until 5! How wonderful! Then she got up again at 0630:( Oh well, I'll take what I can get.

Church was great, the Primary kiddos did their program today. So stinkin cute! I remember being the primary chorister and as I watched all those kids singing, I missed my old calling! Relief Society had a lesson on motherhood, and that was really great. Now were home and baby is asleep for the moment, so I can post this:)

Time for pictures!

I finally caught a smile! I love these cute open mouth smiles, they are just the best. She gave me some sweet smiles in sacrament meeting today too.
A little post-diaper change picture.
She has started to enjoy laying underneath her baby play thing, rainbow mat, whatever it's called. She'll just lay there and look at the colors.

Here she is just looking around. I love seeing the back of her fuzzy little head.


Austin Stevenson Owens said...

Soooooo cute!! I love the things you're dressing her in. She has the cutest little people clothes! :)

Tabitha said...

You know Ben doesn't like banana bread? How lame is that! You're making me hungry for chicken!