Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Farmer's Market

Saturday, oh how I love thee.  Nothing is better than having a Saturday with my cute little family.  We try to do fun stuff on Saturday since our weeks can be pretty busy.  

This Saturday, we went to Gardner Village and the farmer's market they have there.  I am a terrible photographer, I don't take nearly as many pictures as I should, due in part I think to the fact that I LOVE farmer's markets and can't keep my eyes off of the local goodies for sale.

Marin, of course, found the toys and the stuffed animals.  She is such a little girl and *loves* her stuffed animals; they are so real to her!  And I totally remember being little and thinking the same thing, in fact, I really miss that part of my imagination :(

 The whole crew!
 We found a semi-shady place to sit while we waited for our brick oven BBQ chicken pizza.
 Mmmm, our brick oven BBQ chicken pizza.  My only complaint is that I had to share!  We had some fresh limeade to go with it, yumm!
 And then we went to some indoor carnival/kids place.  It was actually super cute.  They had rides for kids, a magic show, and mini-golf.  Kris took Marin for a round of mini-golf while Owen took a snooze on my shoulder.  I can't say I was sad to have a sweet little buddy sleeping in my arms, all too soon he'll be too big.  He was one hot tamale, though.  That boy is just like his daddy, a *furnace*!  His feet are always hot and sweaty.
 Marin did great, although, she's still 4 and obviously doesn't get the concept of min-golf just yet.  That's ok, she and daddy had great fun.  Owen joined them for the last couple of holes to try his hand.

And THIS Saturday, we have family pictures coming up, YAY!!  I'm excited and happy and pulling my hair out all at the same time.  We've had kind of informal family pictures before, but I feel like this is our actual FIRST scheduled family photo shoot with a friend from our ward.  I've been stressing about outfits.  Oh, how I have stressed about the outfits.  I'll spare you the dirty details, but let's just say I was on the verge of tears twice today on two separate visits to the the 5th store.  I think I have my outfit figured out, I'll have Kris give me a final look over tonight.  And I think Marin's and Owen's outfits are relatively put together.  My poor husband...well, I have no idea what he'll wear.  It's hard to string together 4 outfits on a tight budget.  BUT, hopefully we'll have success, no?  After all, the pictures are for us, not the clothes.

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