Saturday, October 29, 2011


I was driving the kids to Bestemor's house today and Marin was a little chatterbox in the backseat.  Here is a little of what she had to say:

Marin:  "Mommy, I'm going to be married in the temple for I can be a mommy someday!"
Me:  "Yes, Marin that's right!  You will be married in the temple so you can be a mommy."
Marin:  "Yes!  Mommy, you get married in the temple?  You have a sparkly ring on your finger 'cause daddy said yes and you marry him in the temple!!"
Me:  "Yes, Daddy asked mommy to marry him, and he gave mommy a pretty ring and we got married in the temple."
Marin:  "I have a shiny ring for my finger too someday, for I can be a mommy and get married in the temple!"
Me:  "We get a ring and THEN get married and then we can be a mommy, ok?"
Marin:  "Yes."

My heart just smiled.  My sweet girl is only three years old and yet the awakenings of her 'mother-heart' are already apparent.  She desires to be married in the temple and to become a mommy.  To create her own forever-family.  An innocent, untainted child is the purest window to the true desires of our spiritual fore-ordination. The blessed roles that she, at only three years of age, embraces and hopes to one day have.  This is when we know what our heart truly desires, when the world has not yet clouded our judgement and fooled our conscience into thinking we need something different.  The Lord has created an innate desire for good things in our hearts!

I am so happy to have such a sweet, innocent little child of God (well, TWO!), in my home.  She gives me a better glimpse of how I *should* be looking at life. 

And a HUGE hug to any and all of Marin's nursery leaders.  Thank you for teaching my daughter the things of God of Sunday's.  She will say things that I don't remember teaching her, and I smile in appreciation for these sweet nursery leaders.  They are awesome.  As a parent, I need all the help I can get teaching my daughter the things that will truly give her a happy life.  I am up against the world and the world will teach her so many awful, awful things.  I am grateful to wonderful leaders who reinforce to my daughter that someday...she too will be married in the temple for time and all eternity and then become a mommy.


Tabitha said...

So cute!

Valerie said...

What a cute girl! And how fun that you wrote down the conversation so you can remember it always. :)