Friday, August 22, 2008

Baby Girl has Arrived!

Here is our little one right out of the womb on mama's chest! She's still all goey and wet too. This was the most surreal feeling, I really couldn't believe I had this little person inside of me and had just pushed her out, amazing. Kris took these next two after they took her over to the table to rub her off. Marin Elise Lyman, born August 21st, 2008 at 0727 in the morning. 7 pounds 4 ounces and 20 inches long.

This is after they moved us over to the postpartum unit. Marin was happy just to snuggle with mama:)
Here we are the today, a few hours before we went home, she was napping, with her mouth open, just like daddy!
I'll post more later, but these should suffice for now. Thank you everyone for your love and prayers and support!


Austin Stevenson Owens said...

Awwwwh! She's beautiful! I still can't believe how filled-out she is. And has there ever been a more beautiful mama? :) Love you guys!

Tabitha said...

She really is beautiful! And I'm not just biased! She looks like her mama :-)