Tuesday, September 21, 2010

To Finish Up...

Blogger has erased my post for the second time!  So, I will have to separate my pics from my updates until I figure out what is going on, sorry!

This weekend is our Ward Daddy/Daughter Campout and Kris is SO excited!  Not only does he love camping, but he can't wait to take his little girl and sleep in a tent and roast marshmallows with her.  What a great dad, he's really the best.  Of course, he will be making marshmallows to take, it's pretty much tradition now!  The campout is specifically for girls under the age of 12, so it's very much geared for the young one's.  They will have hot dogs and Cheeto's and chase some chickens and ducks, it will be so good for them, and I will have a Saturday to myself!  What will I do?! 

Little Lyman has had his/her ultrasoun appt. changed to next Wednesday, so it will be a bit longer until we know for sure!  We have 6 votes girl, 4 votes boy on our poll.  I am pretty excited to know also, it seems as though I bond better when I can refer to it as HE or SHE rather than....IT, you know?  At 19 weeks I am up 15 pounds, 5 pounds over the target weight, but not too shabby, and feeling pretty good!  I even ran a little over 1.25 miles the other morning, rock on!  Runnning takes a pretty tough toll on my pelvis, so I can't do it every day or even every other day.  Usually I will take Marin for a vigorous walk and do my awesome pilates video...it has kept me toned and still fitting into some jeans, nice! 

I will try and find my comppsure to give you more updates soon, oh, and check out my food blog, I've made some tasty things this past week, and I would hate for you to miss out!  The link is located on the sidebar to the right, if you are a newcomer.

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