Last week was CRAZY! Yikes! I finished up work on Saturday and was glad to be done. We finally managed to get our Christmas tree up and decorated, hooray! I tried to let Marin help me decorate the tree, but she was so much more interested in hanging onto the decorations and running all over the house with them. So I gave her some jingle bells and a Christmas tin and let her have fun. I will have to take a picture of our tree, it is the the fattest little tree I have ever seen!
Coming up in January, and I am reeeeeally excited about this, two of my friends from the ward and I are starting a dinner club together! If you have never heard of one, this is what it's about: We all choose a day of the week we want to cook a meal, and we make enough for the other families and drop off dinner. Isn't that great?! I get three meals a week for the price of one big meal! I love it! We have worked out the details and I am so excited to start things up. Not only will I get the opportunity to share my meals and recipes with other people, but I get to try great new recipes from other people, pretty cool, no?!
Starting in February, my work schedule is going to be crazy. Lest I have some administrative readers from the hospital, I shan't get into the gory and ridiculous reasons why I will have no consistency to my schedule whatsoever. What I WILL say, is that I am lucky enough to have another LDS girl from work that I will be kid swapping with. That is going to be a huge money saver for us, and a great opportunity for Marin to make some new friends!
And can you believe, I have not done a LICK of Christmas shopping! Not that this year Kris and I are allowing much shopping as we spent more than enough on our Paris tickets. A couple of gifts under the Christmas tree will be more than plenty :) I do need to get on the ball with my Christmas baking, I was thinking of making some chocolate bark and shotrbread cookies for the families on my list....mmmmmm :)
Marin is down to one bottle a day, her bedtime bottle, and has done surprisingly well! Of course, she'll never refuse a bottle, but she will drink from her sippy cup when she's thirsty, and I'm satisfied with her number of wet diapers a day, so I think we are A-O-K. Next step....POTTY TRAINING! And I do wonder if she is on her way to one nap a day. Some days she wants two, other days she refuses to go down for a second nap and screams the whole time. Speaking of screaming, I hear a little girl who had a too-short nap yelling for her mommy.
Marin and daddy having story time, she loves daddy and loves story time.
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