Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Wedding Dress and A Little Girl

A while back, I saw a cute idea, to put your little girl into your wedding dress and take pictures.  Granted, the idea involved a strapless wedding dress, which is much easier to clamp in the back and have it look nice than a wedding dress with sleeves.  Either way, tonight was the night.  It wasn't planned, it just kind of happened, so my background isn't the most desirable, but I love how some of these pictures of Marin turned out.

 Oh my gosh, love my sweet girl.
 We had just finished watching The Princess Bride, and of course Marin loved all of Princess Buttercup's dresses.
 She was really posing!

 I think this is my second favorite.  Love her face!
 She told me my wedding dress looked like a princess dress...

 This one is by far my favorite.  I'm not sure why, I just love the angle, and her eyelashes, just perfect.

 She asked me if she could wear my dress when she got married, I told her of course.

 I do not even know if I can even stand the thought of her growing up and wearing a wedding dress for real some day!
My gorgeous Marin, you looked absolutely beautiful tonight.  I loved the way you smiled at yourself in the mirror and how pretty you felt.  You are always pretty, and it doesn't matter what you wear.  Someday you will look back at these pictures and smile, my sweet girl.  Mama and Daddy love you, Marin!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

What cute pictures! That wouldn't work for me since I have thrown out my wedding dress, but maybe if I someday get married again I'll remember. But my kids are bigger than yours and it wouldn't be as cute.